Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Understanding Alcohol Rehab and Alcohol Treatment

It bears noting here that alcohol rehab and alcohol treatment are no less important, and no less serious, than drug rehab and drug treatment. Too many alcoholics make the mistake of assuming that alcoholism is somehow less severe a problem than drug addiction. That's wrong. The truth is that alcohol is a drug, and that alcohol addiction is a drug addiction. Drug rehab and alcohol rehab, then, are but different sides of the same coin. And make no mistake: If you want to overcome an alcohol problem, you need alcohol rehab from a professional alcohol treatment center.

Like drug rehabilitation, alcohol rehab is a supremely important issue in the United States. As many as eight million Americans show signs of unhealthy dependence on alcohol...which of course means that as many as eight million Americans need professional alcohol rehab if they're ever going to get better. America's collective approach to drug rehabilitation is not and cannot be complete unless we resolve to incorporate alcohol treatment into our vision of our drug rehabilitation care. No alcoholic ever gets sober outside of an alcohol treatment center. There is no bottom line more important than that one.

Of course, important methodological differences do exist between alcohol rehab and illicit drug rehabilitation, and no alcoholic should ever settle for a generic alcohol treatment program. Again, if you're going to get better, it's going to be because your alcohol or drug rehabilitation plan meets your specific needs. Failing that, no alcohol rehab center can ever offer you a realistic shot at achieving your sobriety goals.

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